So far Kaizen's friend team namely WLS Fc, wanted and booked to be a part of the Penjuru game that we'll be conducting at HTO Khamis 9mlm. Tentatively also Naruto will be there.. and I hope Titan and Xoxo and cik Xai's team...will confirm soon, hoi cik xai if u read this aaaa cepat2 respond ek ..ehhe. So far no official invitation had been sent to other teams yet. We've only invited friend2 team like above je dulu... The tukang mencari teams (me lah tu) agak tired la these 2 weeks becoz manyak keje and bz la dgn activity family and office and masyarakat (dirahsiakan). However, next week!!!! Get ready for some actions, some active futsal activities, some rough plays... because we will be back in action! aha..... ada satu lagi team, KLCC futsal team, cousin kawan I nyer, maybe leh masuk jugak.